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Why High Fat Diets Are Worse For Men

We’ve known for a long time that eating too much fat is bad for us. It can make us gain weight and put us at risk of heart disease. However, recent research has shown that a high fat diet could also increase the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly for men.


The Effects of High Fat Diets

Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University found that men who ate high fat diets for just one week were less good at controlling their blood sugar levels when they were given sugary drinks. The failure to control blood sugar levels often appears as a precursor to type 2 diabetes, so this study suggests that eating a high fat diet could, in time, increase the chances of developing diabetes. The same effect was not seen in women who followed the same diet, although the study did not look at the long term effects of a fatty diet.

Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body stops responding to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is often linked with obesity and it is one of the reasons why your doctor may recommend a weight loss procedure such as gastric band surgery. If you start losing weight successfully after gastric band surgery, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes can often be relieved.

However, as this research shows, it is important to think about what you are eating and not just how much you are eating. If you do have gastric band surgery or another weight loss procedure, your doctor will help you to plan a balanced diet that contains the right amounts of each nutrient. Eating too much fat or not getting the right vitamins and minerals could be bad for you, even if you are reducing the number of calories you consume.