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Talking to Your Family About Weight Loss Surgery

Talking about your weight loss surgery can be difficult, but having a friend or relative who knows what you are going through can make a big difference.

Explain the Procedure

The support your friends and family can provide after weight loss surgery can be very important, but they need to understand how to help. Telling people about the procedure can help you all to adjust to the changes in your life. You don’t have to go into detail, but having someone who knows what you are going through can make it much easier. It is also important to have someone who can help you while you are recovering from your weight loss surgery.

Find Emotional Support

You don’t have to tell everyone you know about your surgery, but it can be good to have at least one person to confide in. Being able to talk openly about the weight loss surgery can help you to work through your worries and to deal with any emotional triggers that might make you want to eat. Having someone to talk to can also make sticking to your healthy new lifestyle a little easier.

Make Changes Together

Emotional support can be invaluable, but it can also be important to have some more practical support from the people around you, even if you let them think your weight loss is all down to diet and exercise. Be open about the fact that you are sticking to a strict diet as it will discourage people from trying to tempt you to eat. It is particularly important to talk to the people you live with about the changes you are making. Your family can help by keeping unhealthy foods out of the health and by making their own efforts to live healthier lives. When you are all eating well and exercising together, it can be much easier to keep going.